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Investing in Illinois

At Illinois American Water, our investments in infrastructure are investments in our local communities. From 2013 to 2023, we invested $1.6 billion in water and wastewater system infrastructure replacement and enhancements across the state. In 2023 alone, Illinois American Water invested $297 million in infrastructure work that included installing new pipes, pumps, hydrants, valves, lift stations, water treatment facilities, storage tanks, water quality systems and technology.

Across the U.S., water and wastewater systems are aging and underfunded. The average age of pipes is 55 years. When infrastructure is not maintained, it can waste water, leave people without the services they depend on, and be even more costly than proactively upgrading and repairing systems.

To combat this, Illinois American Water strategically and efficiently directs capital improvements where it is needed most. This involves making repairs to infrastructure and, when needed, replacement. Our systems and facilities continue to be resilient, reliable, dependable and durable for our customers across the state.

Below are some highlights from throughout the state:

Eastern Division
Champaign, Fisher wastewater, Pontiac, Sterling, Streator service areas
2023 Investment Amount: $43.6 million
Example projects:

  • Champaign – Villa Grove Lead Service 2023 ($4 million) - Within Villa Grove it was discovered that lead and galvanized services were present in areas that were not expected as review of the system was carried out. During meter change outs, approximately 357 lead services and 6 galvanized services have been found. It is anticipated that approximately 750 services will need to be replaced.
  • Streator – Transmission Improvements – Phase 1 ($4 million) – To enhance the transmission capacity in the northern half of the Streator distribution system, this project will install approximately 8,500 linear feet of 16-inch main, resulting in improvements to the resiliency and redundancy of the distribution system.

Western Division
Andalusia, Lincoln, Mt. Pulaski, Pekin, Peoria service areas
2023 Investment Amount: $51.4 million
Example projects:

  • Lincoln – Water Treatment Plant ($36 million) – As part of this project, our crews completed a 5.0-million-gallon-a-day water treatment facility on the south end of Lincoln. This will replace our current South Water Treatment Plant, which is outdated, flood prone, and has significant site access issues. The facility will include treatment for iron, manganese, ammonia, total organic carbon (TOC) removal, and removal/inactivation for at least 4-log virus, 3-log Giardia, and 2-log Cryptosporidium. This project follows the previous construction of a collector well to serve the plant.
  • Pekin – Pekin Derby Street Water Main Replacement ($2.45 million) - The City of Pekin is performing a roadway reconstruction project along Derby Street. Storm sewer improvements in this right-of-way corridor will require the relocation of water main for the project. We are partnering with the City to have our water main work constructed as a part of their roadway project to save on pavement restoration and ease of coordination through a single prime contractor.

Central Division
Alton, Grafton, Godfrey wastewater, Hardin, Jerseyville, and Livingston service areas
2023 Investment Amount: $76.7 million
Example projects:

  • Jerseyville - Jerseyville Water Treatment Plant Improvements ($34.3 million) - This project involves replacing the lime softening system to increase reliability of operations and bring the Jerseyville facility in line with current safety and American Water design standards, as well as to enhance the finished water quality.
  • Alton - Central Operation Center ($21.4 million) - The new central operation center will provide a central location for central division support functions which will consolidate field operations, administrative staff, water quality, engineering and various support groups to a single location. Along with a new office and service garage, the site will encompass a new training area, dewatering area, driving course and covered bulk storage to support the central operations staff.

Southern Division
Cairo, Granite City wastewater, Hardin County, Interurban, Rosiclare, and Shiloh wastewater service areas
2023 Investment Amount: $69.7 million
Example projects:

  • Cairo – Cairo Treatment Plant ($10.9 million) – A new groundwater plant was constructed that will include a building with a pressure filter room, chemical rooms, a new lab and operator room. Two groundwater wells and associated water treatment equipment for a groundwater source are also being installed along with new yard piping and a new high service pump building. The new chemical feed design will bring everything up to the American Water T-2 Standards. Thanks to this project, the existing surface water treatment equipment can be decommissioned and transitioned to a groundwater source.
  • Interurban – Clearwell/High Service Pump Station ($2.6 million) - A new clearwell and high service pump station at the East St. Louis Water Treatment Plant were constructed to address aging infrastructure and provide for more clearwell storage and chlorine contact time at the East St. Louis Water Treatment Plant.

Northern Division
Bolingbrook, Chicago metro, Orland Hills, Santa Fe, and South Beloit service areas
2023 Investment Amount: $32.0 million
Example projects:

  • Chicago Wastewater – Country Club Main and Manhole Rehabilitation – Level ($7.5 million) – Our team will rehabilitate approximately 68 sanitary manholes , 4,000 feet of sewer pipe, and 275 public laterals and will repair 389 service connection in the Country Club District sanitary area.
  • Chicago Metro Water – Dupage Inveress Water Main Replacement – Level 1 ($2.1 million) - This project, located in the Chicago Metro district, consists of the replacement of 3,300 linear feet of 6-inch main with 8-inch ductile iron pipe. The main will be relocated from the rear yard of the house to the front yard with plans to retire the rear yard main in the future.
  • Bolingbrook/Chicago Metro Water – West Suburban, Queenswood Road Rear Yard Water Main Replacement ($5.9 million) - This project, located in Bolingbrook, consists of the replacement of 9,595 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch main with 8-inch ductile iron pipe. The main was relocated from the rear yard of the house to the front yard in 2022, and the rear yard main was retired in 2023.
  • Bolingbrook/Chicago Metro Water – West Suburban, Bolingbrook 2023 Sewer Rehabilitation ($716,000) - This project consists of the structural rehabilitation of 4,704 linear feet of existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main with cured-in-place pipe liner. This rehabilitation extends the life of the existing pipe and reduces the need to replace the existing sewers.