Water-service rates are based on the real costs of treating and delivering water to customers, and in Maryland, are regulated by the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC).

To determine rates, we work with PSC staffs to study costs of construction, maintenance, operation, administration and financing. Once the studies are complete, the company and PSC present any differing conclusions before an administrative law judge. Based on the judge’s opinion, the PSC sets the water rates.

Rates charged for service may vary based on a customer’s meter size. All customers pay the same rate for water usage. Customers are billed based on a regular meter reading, either monthly or quarterly for residential customers as well as for commercial and other public authority customers.

Before it reaches your home or business, water is treated through an intricate treating and testing process to help ensure it meets or surpasses rigorous drinking water quality standards.

You can learn more about the rate setting process in our white paper: Challenges In The Water Industry: The Rate Approval Process.

Maryland American Water Tariff (effective 11/19/24)

Press Release: February 7, 2019: Maryland American Water Receives Rate Order that Supports Bel Air’s Water Supply