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West Virginia American Water has a long history of Public-Private Partnerships(PPP) projects with state, local and municipal entities. PPP Projects are cooperative arrangement between two or more public and private sectors, typically of a long-term nature.


The use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for accurately and efficiently storing feature locations and attributes has become a widely accepted method for collecting GIS data. With many now having the ability to use this technology to collect GIS data, West Virginia American Water Geographic Information System Team (GIS) suggests using these documents as a guide for collecting GPS data for Public Private Partnerships. This helps to ensure quality and consistency of the data collected.

Guide Link
This document provides recommendations and tips for collecting GPS data for West Virginia American Water.

As-Built Link
The As-Built File Geodatabase contains the fields and proper projections needed by West Virginia American Water GIS Team for use with the PPP Projects.

Underground Utilities Link
The Underground Utilities File Geodatabase contains the fields and proper projections needed by West Virginia American Water GIS Team for use with the PPP Projects.

The manual and file geodatabases are developed and maintained by the West Virginia American Water GIS Team and are subject to review and modification on an annual basis. The annual review is necessary to verify that the documents are up-to-date with any changes or additions to the mission objectives of the GIS Program to meet the business needs of West Virginia American Water.